Group Hire
We offer transport for groups within the community, providing fully-accessible mini-buses. Scouts and Youth groups, lunch clubs and many more groups use this service. Our charges are very reasonable, and we offer day and weekend hire.
Group Hire Charges
Group Hire charges without a volunteer driver are as follows:
Group | Youth |
Full day and Evening | £89.00 | £44.50 |
Half Day | £44.50 | £22.25 |
Weekend | £175.00 | £87.50 |
Group | Youth |
Full day and Evening | £37.00 | £21.00 |
Half Day | £18.50 | £10.50 |
Weekend | £74.00 | £36.00 |
Kingswood Community Transport no longer charge for fuel as a mileage rate. From now on, hirers will be provided with a vehicle which has a full tank of fuel. It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is returned to Kingswood Community Transport with a full tank. If the hirer does not return the vehicle in this manner, then they will be charged a minimum of £40 if the vehicle is returned over half full and £80 if it is less than half full. This cost is to cover the expense of the fuel and our administration costs.
These costs only reflect the operating cost of our vehicles. It is helpful if groups can provide their own driver that has successfully completed MiDAS Training. Always give us a call to discuss any ideas you have and we will try to meet your needs.
Volunteer driver expenses will be between £10 and £25, depending on booking, and are agreed at the time of booking.
Please note the following:
- Only drivers that have successfully completed MiDAS Training are allowed to drive our vehicles;
- Groups with passengers that have the South Gloucestershire Council Diamond Travel Card should contact the office to discuss charges in detail;
- The hirer is responsible for the care of the vehicle during the hire period;
- Any vehicle returned requiring cleaning will be subject to a minimum charge of £30.00 (brushes are inside every vehicle);
- Cancellation Fee under 24 hours is £30.00;
- Volunteer expenses for groups will be added to your invoice – £10.00 and upwards.