Dial And Ride
Booking Request
To make a booking request, please complete and send your request using the form below.
One of the team will get back to you as soon as possible to let you know what we can do for you.
Alternatively, during office hours, you can contact us on 0117 961 6016

About Dial And Ride
Kingswood Community Transport provides accessible vehicles for people who cannot easily use public transport or who are transport-disadvantaged.
KCT’s Dial-&-Ride service will allow you to:
Visit Family and Friends;
Keep medical appointments such as doctors, hospitals, dentists etc;
Play an active part in the community.
The service covers return trips to all hospitals, there is an additional charge for this service. Please speak to the office for further information.
The Doctors Shuttle provides trips, both ways, to doctor’s surgeries, dentists, opticians and other services residents need.
Current Charges
If you are a holder of a Diamond Travel Card,
then Dial-&-Ride and Doctors Shuttle trips with cost you £2.50 each way or £3.00 if trip over 5 miles.
For all members without a Diamond Travel Card the cost is £3.00 each way or £4.00 if trip over 5 miles.